- Welcome onboard.
- 课件与电子书已经上传到课程共享文件夹.
- 请注意第二次课程的地址与第一次课是不一样的!
- 课程作业网站(Cocalc) 已经上线,请尽快实名注册。作业将通过网站自动收取。注意事项请参照第二次课程的slides。
- 第三周开始恢复线下课程,上课地点:仙II-403。另外,由于系里临时有事,3月3号的office hour调整到3月4号相同时间。
- 第五周开始改为线上课程。Office hours亦将暂时改为By appointment only。腾讯会议链接: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/6IfKhnVzYqU3
- 作业4+期中考试的答案已经上传到QQ群中。
- 线性规划的参考资料已经上传到课程共享文件夹. 请先尝试独立思考作业问题,因为作业的答案基本上都在参考资料中有所涉及。
- 第十五周(5月26号)开始恢复线下课程,上课地点:仙II-403。另外Office hour已经恢复正常。
- Instructor: 刘景铖
- Email: liu(at)nju(dot)edu(dot)cn
- Office Hour: Tuesday 15:00-16:00, Thursday 16:00-17:00, 计算机系516; 疫情期间请提前预约。
- 课程共享文件夹: https://box.nju.edu.cn/d/3a07875071bf4f5797c0/
- Tencent meeting: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/6IfKhnVzYqU3
- 课程作业网站(Cocalc):
Collaboration on Homework
You are welcome to work on homework problems in study groups of no more than 3 people; however, you must always write up the solutions on your own, listing all collaborators at the top. Similarly, you may use books or online resources to help solve homework problems, but you must always credit all such sources in your writeup and you must never copy material verbatim.
We believe that most students can distinguish between helping other students and cheating. You may discuss approaches but your solution must be written by you and you only. You should acknowledge everyone whom you have worked with or who has given you any significant ideas about the homework.
Further, it is your responsibility to ensure that your solutions will not be visible to other students. If you use Github or another source control system to store your solutions electronically, you must ensure your account is configured so your solutions are not publicly visible. Many popular version control systems provide free repositories to students.
As a final note, we’d like to point out that collaboration on homework, while permitted, can be detrimental to your learning if misused. In particular, avoid collaborations where you do not contribute enough to your own satisfaction. Such a collaboration not only cheats you out of an opportunity to learn through homework, but can also affect your confidence. If you feel that you are not contributing enough to your group, then try to spend time thinking about the problems alone before working with your group. If you end up solving the problem all by yourself, that’s great! And if not, you’ll still be better prepared to contribute to your group.
See also ACM Policy on Plagiarism.
- Week 1: 请自行阅读教材第0章
- Week 2: 见课程共享文件夹,作业1(due: March 10 11:59:59 am UTC+8)
- Week 3: 请自行阅读教材第3章3.1.2节和3.2节
- Week 4: 见课程共享文件夹,作业2(due: March 24 11:59:59 am UTC+8)
- Week 6: 见课程共享文件夹,作业3(due: April 07 11:59:59 am UTC+8)
- Week 8: 见课程共享文件夹,作业4+期中考试(due:
April 14 11:59:59 am UTC+8April 21 11:59:59 am UTC+8) - Week 10: 见课程共享文件夹,作业5(due: May 05 11:59:59 am UTC+8)
- Week 12: 见课程共享文件夹,作业6(due: May 19 11:59:59 am UTC+8)
- Week 14: 见课程共享文件夹,作业7(due: June 2 11:59:59 am UTC+8)